Tag Archives: st. athanasius

2012’s best…


My favorite books I read in 2012, in no particular order. Six reviews in sixty words or less!

Not one of them.

Not one of them.

Sophie Scholl and the White Rose– A young group of Christians created a series of pamphlets calling for opposition to the Nazi regime in Munich in 1942-1943. A gripping, incredible tale of citizens standing up for what’s right in the face of almost certain death. One of the members was canonized as a saint in 2012.

The Kingkiller Chronicle (I and II)– SFF at its best. Young gypsy-musician-wizard Kvothe goes out into the world to make a name for himself and stop ultimate evil from destroying the kingdom. Told almost entirely in flashbacks.

A Prayer for Owen Meaney– Classic John Irving tale of faith, family, and self-sacrifice. The title character is one of the most memorable I’ve read in ages (and not just because he speaks in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME). A beautiful story full of characters who seem to breathe.

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy– Theology nerd fun for those wondering what, exactly, the difference is between Orthodoxy and other major religions and why dogma matters.

On the Incarnation– Classic must read that spells out many things you’ve tried to say when defending your faith but couldn’t quite. CS Lewis’ introduction in this edition is excellent.

Divergent– It wouldn’t be a “best of” without a YA novel! Divergent introduces us to a new kind of dystopia, with people divided by their primary method of keeping peace. If you think it sounds like a recipe for disaster, then you’re right. Ender’s Game meets The Hunger Games with a compelling protagonist named Tris (whose hot boy friend doesn’t hurt the book’s case one bit).

I would like to note that I only read one of these books on Kindle. Interesting. Once more, happy 2013!